

Heating and cooling a home accounts for nearly half of the average home’s utility bills, It's important that they are installed properly and that the customer know's how to use them.

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  • Measuring Resistance

    In this video, we will show you how to use a multimeter to check resistance on an electrical circuit in the field, which is a vital task for diagnosing equipment problems.

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  • Troubleshooting and Replacing an Aquastat

    In this video, we will show you how to properly diagnose and replace an aquastat for a boiler system.

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  • Thermostat Troubleshooting

    Here, we will discuss how to properly troubleshoot and replace a thermostat on a system in the field.

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  • Replacing a Thermostat

    This is a task that you will do very often in the residential HVAC industry. In this video, we will explain how to perform this very common task.

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  • Running a New Thermostat Wire

    There are a couple of different methods of running or replacing a thermostat wire in a customer's home. In this video, we will show you more than one way to get this job done.

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  • How to Cut, Strip, and Crimp Wire

    There are correct and incorrect methods of cutting, stripping, and crimping electrical wiring. In this video, we will demonstrate how to do this properly and safely.

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