Faucet Installation
Although the appearance of faucets may vary, the process of removal and replacement is very much the same. This video showcases the best practices for lavatory faucet installation.
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Expansion Tanks Types and Testing
Let's focus on the different types of boiler expansion tanks you will see in a residential setting. We will also cover the process of testing these in the field.
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Elusive Lost Neutral
You will be called on to troubleshoot a number of elusive electrical issues. The most common of these is finding and repairing a circuit that lost a neutral somewhere along the way.
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Type and Proper Usage of Drill Bits
Drill bits come in a variety of sizes and types based on the task at hand. Join us as we explore the variety of bits available to make your job easier.
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Troubleshooting a PSC Compressor
In this video, we will demonstrate how to properly inspect, diagnose, and troubleshoot a PSC compressor on a system in the field. On average, most compressors that get turned in for warranty are not even bad. It is extremely important to diagnose compressors properly. In this video, we will show...
What is a Bonding Screw?
That big green screw... what do I do with it when installing a subpanel?! Explore alongside Ben as he speaks to the green bonding screw included in most panel boards.
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Cutting PVC the Easy Way
Cutting PVC can be challenging at times, but it doesn't have to be. Join us as we share industry tips and tricks to get the perfect cut EVERY time.
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How to Add Propylene Glycol to a Boiler System
Adding glycol to a boiler system is necessary for cold climates where the possibility of frozen boiler lines happens or could happen. In this instructional video, we will show you how to add glycol to an existing system in the field and show you which tools you will need to perform this task.
Grounding Electrode Installation: Concrete Encased (Ufer)
Watch this video to learn about connecting to a concrete-encased grounding electrode.
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Cast Iron Cutting
This video shows you the proper ways to cut cast iron. That way, access and work area are NOT an issue or concern.
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How to Cut, Strip, and Crimp Wire
There are correct and incorrect methods of cutting, stripping, and crimping electrical wiring. In this video, we will demonstrate how to do this properly and safely.
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Troubleshooting Multiple Ground Paths
Ride along with Ben as he experiments on his own electrical system by simulating different scenarios that could occur. Experimentation can add depth to your level of understanding and strengthen your conviction on how things work... or should work. When you are up against oddities in the groundin...
Pipe Die Service and Maintenance
This video illustrates ways to service and maintain pipe threading equipment.
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How to Install and Setup a Glycol Feeder
Installing glycol feeders are necessary in cold climates where the possibility of frozen boiler lines happens or could happen. In this instructional video, we will show you how to install these in the field.
Flood Prevention Strategies
Discover the products and techniques on the market that help protect valuables from drain line back-ups.
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