Electric Vehicles: Installing a Charging Station
Electrical Remodel Work
Electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment comes in a variety of styles, each one unique. The wiring methods that can be used to connect the equipment are not. This video demonstrates the use of EMT to add an EV charging station to a finished garage wall.
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Up Next in Electrical Remodel Work
Cutting Into Exterior Finished Surfac...
What finished surfaces will you need to be familiar with as you work with customers on adding electrical components to their homes?
This video covers the addition of a light fixture in fiber cement siding.Interested in learning more about NexTech Academy? Visit https://www.nextechacademy.com
Cutting Into Interior Finished Surfac...
What finished surfaces will you need to be familiar with as you work with customers on adding electrical components to their homes?
This video covers the addition of a receptacle in a lathe and plaster finished surface.Interested in learning more about NexTech Academy? Visit https://www.nextech...
Cutting Into Exterior Finished Surfac...
What finished surfaces will you need to be familiar with as you work with customers on adding electrical components to their homes?
This video covers the addition of a receptacle in vinyl siding.Interested in learning more about NexTech Academy? Visit https://www.nextechacademy.com